The SoluComp®
enclosure concept
Plastic enclosure systems
Richard Wöhr GmbH
Gräfenau 58-60
D-75339 Höfen/Enz
Phone | +49 7081 9540-0 |
Fax | +49 7081 9540-90 |
Internet | www.WoehrGmbH.de |
Richard@WoehrGmbH.de | |
Legal form | Richard Wöhr GmbH |
Local court | Registergericht Stuttgart |
Trade register number | HRB 330611 |
General manager | Stefan Wöhr (managing partner) Jürgen Wöhr (managing partner) |
VAT-Reg-No. | DE 811 330 804 |
WEEE-Reg.-No. | DE 80072400 |
Responsible chamber | IHK Pforzheim |
Inspection authority | Landratsamt Calw |
Inspection authority for medical products | Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe |
Responsible according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Stefan Wöhr
Gräfenau 58-60
D-75339 Höfen/Enz
Obligation to inform about customer arbitration
Since 1st of february, 2017 we are comitted to inform if we voluntary act as a member of a supporting association of an arbitration. Currently there are neither any obligations nor requirements, so we inform you hereby that we are not willing to take part in any dispute resolution going to consumer arbitration.
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Copyright by
Richard Wöhr GmbH
Gräfenau 58-60
75339 Höfen/Enz
All rights reserved.
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ABAK®, ABIC®, ABIK®, AlumiProf®, Aluno®, AMIC®, AMIK®, BENDline®, CalcMedic®, CapiColour®, CapiHyg®, CapiMechl®, CapiMetal®, CapiOpt®, CapiSense®, CAPIswitch®, CapiTact®, CapiTakt®, CapiTop®, DinEg®, DinRa®, ESDY®, FASTfoil®, FoilMedic®, FOILtronic®, GH01®, GH02®, ISAG®, KeyMedic®, Kuluno®, LumiLine®, MarkanSwitch®, MultiProf®, NaWaRo®, Nurag®, OptiHapt®, OptoKap®, ProCapiTouch®, PRIOline®, PrioProf®, QUBE®, SecuTab®, SnapLine®, SnapMont®, SoluComp®, SoluTouch®, SwitchMedic®, Technetic®, Touch2B®, Touch4B®, VariComp® and WÖHR® are registered trademarks of the Richard Wöhr GmbH. The use of these trademarks is allowed only with our express prior consent.
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© 15/08/2024 by Richard Wöhr GmbH. All rights reserved
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