The SoluComp®
enclosure concept
Plastic enclosure systems
Richard Wöhr GmbH
Development in the interface of humans and technology

Plant 1

Plant 2
The Richard Wöhr GmbH develops, produces and sells a wide product range of industrial components for the areas controlling, operating and monitoring. This includes industrial enclosures, foil key...
...boards, touch screens, front plates, front foils and complete input and display systems.
Surfaces of metals and plastics are finished functionally and optically through varnishing and powder coating, screen printing, pad printing and modern beam technology.
We have developed from an original craft producer of industrial varnishing to a specialist of surface technology and a supplier of industrial components with a large extend of vertical and horizontal manufacturing.
The development and production capacities in the industrial park Höfen and Bad Wildbad have been and are still extended continuosly.
Richard Wöhr GmbH is a member of the internationally active WÖHR Group.
Our worldwide export leads in more than 70 countries.
We are convinced that today's growth is the basis for tomorrow's investments.
Innovation starts in the head
Since the setting up of our company in 1967 as industrial paint shop by Richard Wöhr, many companies from such fields as electronics, elec...
...trical engineering industry, medical and dental industry, mechanical and apparatus engineering as well as metal-, synthetic material- and cast-working industry have been trusting in our capability.
At the moment we have about 90 employees and export worldwide. As an owner-managed family business with decades of experience, we are a reliable and innovative partner. The whole enterprise operates with an effective, networking ERP-system. All departments in technics and administration have access to this system. The integration of a CAD/CAM-system allows to transfer 2D- und 3D-construction data online to the machines - this increases flexibility and eliminates fault sources.
All departments are working target-oriented, so that we can profit from synergy effects. The quality management system is certificated according to DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 13485 (medical) and DIN EN ISO 14001 (environment). The company's competence for innovation is reflected by a huge number of commercial trademark rights. The know-how we bring to your projects is not in textbooks, it is through our developed long-standing subject-specific activities and internalized. Therefore our know-how is more than a sum of separated skills and techniques.
Our product dedication as well as the high proportion of in-house production enable us to offer an express service (deli...
...very within shortest time) for all ranges.
We are actively involved in the developments in the conflict that exists between humans and technology.
In order to maintain and develop our operating efficiency, we invest in the modernisation of our production facilities and the training of our staff. Furthermore we are a verified training company for technical and commercial jobs.
As a successful family-run, owner-managed enterprise, we are committed to our location, maintain business values like credibility, trust and reliability, align our processes with the requirements of our customers and regard workforce as a competitive advantage and not as an expense.
Development, production and marketing in our locations in Höfen and Bad Wildbad offer you the targeted combination of the required know-how.
Development, surpassing the expectations we already had.
Production, having the neccesary manufacturing depth and production width at one's disposal and acting flexibly and demand-orientedly.
Marketing, listening to you very carefully and advising you competently.
All of this combined with decades of experience and the ability to bring these skills together at one ta...
...ble for project discussions in our company are highly effective prerequisites for the targeted realisation of your wishes. We are ready when the market asks for new solutions and are ready to meet the constantly growing demands of our customers. We contribute our enthusiasm and expertise to many industry-specific and interdisciplinary working groups and cross-border networks, e.g. SeniorPRO - Innovations for self-determined ageing.
In the selection of our longstanding and mostly contract-related suppliers we regard in addition to professional competences also their respectability and particularly pay attention to what becomes more and more important for our customers: no transferring of know-how but using the already existing knowledge!
Shortterm cost optimisation by outsourcing-projects combined with transfer of customer's drawings to produce carriers of tech...
...nology e.g. in Eastern European or Asian countries can't benefit to our customers and are rejected by us.
We take "Made in Germany" as a synonym of quality, technical know-how, responsability and innovation.
What do you think?
Tell us your opinion:

Show - don´t tell!
We won't tell you much, just take a look for yourself - our virtual tour of the WÖHR showroom is just a click away.
Simply click to start the 360° tour and then move virtually through our showroom, which is divided into the areas of input systems, mechanics, housing construction, surface technology and systems technology. Get an overview of our areas and production possibilities from the comfort of your desk, tablet or mobile phone.
For more information or suitable short videos, simply go closer to the steps and navigate by clicking and scrolling or using the icons. Of course you also have the possibility to contact us directly via form.
The entire WÖHR team looks forward to your virtual visit, your feedback or answering your questions.
Innovation means for us the base for enhancing our German location to accomplish resolutely and successfully technological and creative peak power.
But what does the word "innovation" mean?
The inflationary disposal of the word "innovation" makes us thinking more about what it originally stands for. The word "innovation" is of Latin origin and means change, reformation... For us, the benefit of innovation increased by goal-oriented change and the acceptance of a developed product on the market by the customer are the scales of "innovation".
Due to the successful cooperation of development, production and sales, innovation becomes a requested long-term and gainful product and also the reason to make innovation a part of our company profile. Connected with the necessary corporate courage, the factor innovative ability restores us to a leading position in economically bad and good times.
Innovation starts in the head!
Customer satisfaction is our first priority
We align our processes tightly with your requests. Thats's why your opinion is important to us!

Please write us what you like or dislike. We are grateful for critism but also for compliance and proposals. This is the only way to adapt us consistently to your requests and requirements and to optimate our continuous improvement process.
We are looking forward to hear from you:
by e-mail: Kundenzufriedenheit(at)WoehrGmbH.de
by telephone:
+49 7081 9540-0
Subsidiaries and export worldwide
Our products and services are exported worldwide - directly from the company headquarters in Germany or via selected local dealers. We also offer an after-sales service worldwide.

As an authorised exporter Wöhr® can do without an export declaration and the presentation of the goods at the responsible customs office before their export. There...
...fore, the export procedure usually can be processed in the offices belonging to the company. In this way, goods can be exported also out of opening hours of the customs office. This has been practised by Wöhr® already since the release of the system about ATLAS.
On the map we have visualised by colouring in which countries we or our subsidiary Varicomp Inc. based in Alpharetta, Georgia (USA) already have direct customers.
We export goods worldwide and deliver to customers in the following countries
Czech Republic
El Salvador
Hong Kong
New Zealand
Principality of Liechtenstein
Republic of Macedonia
South Africa
The Netherlands
United Arab Emirates
Wöhr expands its worldwide distributor network
Wöhr expands its worldwide distributor network
Our company is looking for representatives and agents around the world, especially in the United States, to sell our product range on non ex...
...clusive basis. We want to make our products available for our customers by a growing network of distributors and want to establish a stronger presence in these profitable markets.
Since the foundation of the company by Richard Wöhr in 1967, companies working in different fields, e.g. electronics, electrical engineering, medical and dental engineering, as well as mechanical engineering, automation, cast and surface treatment, have been relied on our services.
Our range of customers is as versatile as our range of products which includes keyboards, front foils, front plates, industrial enclosures, touch screens and sur...
...screens und Oberflächentechnik umfasst. Wir liefern sowohl Standardversionen als auch kundenspezifische Lösungen, Einzel- als auch Serienfertigung.
...face finishing. Our customers are market-leading enterprises as well as small and innovative businesses in Germany and abroad. We deliver different types of standard products but also customer-specific solutions.
For getting further information and more details, please look on our websites mentioned below. If you are interested in representing us, please contact us or send your application by e-mail to
We are looking forward to hear from you!
You can see from the organisation chart how our company is organised!

You can download the PDF here
Richard Wöhr GmbH – Quality, and more!
„Those who have stopped getting better have stopped being good“
We at Richard Wöhr GmbH work and live by this motto. This means that we can guarantee you continual improvement in the quality of our work. Good communications throughout our whole team plus active dialogue with our customers, continual improvements and well-trained employees enable us to develop and implement new and innovative products and processes.
EN ISO 9001
For us compliance with the requirements of EN ISO 9001 means an open and trusting business relationship with you as our customer or supplier.
Certificate EN ISO 9001 als PDF
EN ISO 13485
To remain faithful to our motto and to be able to do justice to the medical, laboratory and pharmaceutical manufacturing specifications requirements
we have, for some years, been certified to EN ISO 13485 (Quality management medical devices).
This means that we are able to supply you with the option to have your input and indicator devices for medical applications developed and manufactured to your specifications.
Certificate EN ISO 13485 as PDF
EN ISO 14001
In the course of expanding teamwork, we attach importance to reasoning and the ability to respond positively to criticism instead of having command structures. A permanent in-house suggestion system was set up when the working circles were established and will continue to be supported.
We intend, therefore, to create an unconventional company culture and encourage our staff to use their own initiative. In connection with this certification to EN ISO 9001, EN ISO 13485 (Quality management medical devices) and EN ISO 14001 (Environmental management) are a key obligation. The targeted application of this process model underpins an individual and holistic management system.

Richard Wöhr GmbH is committed to regional and national projects in extracts
- Kindergarten in Höfen
- Friends of the open-air swimming pool in Höfen
- Youth centre in Bad Wildbad (Jugend Forscht projects)
- Award-winning, volunteer-friendly employer for time off for voluntary work, e.g. for volunteer fire brigade missions
- Rossini Festival in Bad Wildbad
- BBQ Education and Vocational Qualification GmbH of Südwestmetall
- ETG Enztal Grammar School Bad Wildbad
(Richard Wöhr GmbH technology prize, booster club, Girls Digital Camp, Jugend forscht....)
We also support numerous clubs and institutions at our locations, as well as nationwide in their work, in the cultural, sporting and social areas - and all of this for many years, sustainable and happy!
As a quality- and environment-conscious enterprise with the certifications acc. to DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN ISO 13485 (medicine) and DIN EN ISO 14001 (environment) we set high standards not only in terms of our own product development and production regarding
- Quality
- Process security in production
- Reliability
- Durability
- Competitiveness
- Long-term availability and
- Sustainibility
Criteria for a successful supplier relationship
Our expectations of the product characteristics and ability to supply and of course an optimal price-performance ratio that includes the whole service is de...
...cisive also when choosing our suppliers. After all we are - despite a large vertical range of manufacture - in a strongly collaborative, globalized world only a link in a more or less long supplier chain with the focus on our core competences.
Raw materials, components, technologies and ressources that enter in our production processes undergo a severe quality test. In this case we also work stra...
...tegically and target-orinetedly. Thereby, our aims are especially the close connection of all suppliers to the company, the creation of a foundation of trust and the durable cooperation with efficient, innovative suppliers. In this case we see ourselves as a fair partner, giving a great importance to a win-win situation.
Steps on the way to a sustainable partnership are
- Supplier Information
- Classifications
- Supplier's declarations
- Initial sample delivery and test reports
At the beginning of a new supplier relationship usually sample deliveries are made that have to undergo a special receiving inspection.
WÖHR sectors in one click